Yes, the cold chill of winter engulfs my bed each night and I can't help but lay in the dark and pull the sheets and blankets up over my shoulders, after saying my prayers (as I do) and try to drift off into Noddyland. It doesn't come easily. Living alone never does for me, but night times in winter is worst. Even cuddling into my teddy bear isn't very comforting (only jokin' about the teddy bear, but I still have no human bod to cuddle)!
No friends, I haven't 'blogged' for a while... nuthin' much to blog about, except the afore-mentioned "Swan Song", which took place on Friday, July 16. We had a fair crowd of around fifty people in the intimate and warm theatre, with all patrons seeming to enjoy the words and music we presented for them. My brother Geoff and old friend Olive Bice handled the musical backing superbly and Geoff acted as my 'interrogator/interviewer' in a style that any TV interviewer (including Parkinson) would be proud of.
If anyone wants a copy of the DVD recorded on the night, just let me know... there is a small cost of about AUD$15 for the two DVD's including postage.
Despite the thrice-weekly dialysis treatment of around five hours at a time and the resultant drying out of my vocal chords, the voice held up reasonably well, but I doubt whether I could do a full concert or dance function again.
My next project is the completion of my autobiography which, believe it or not, is getting closer every day and I'm hoping to have a launch date before the end of the year. I'm hoping to have a musical launch, combining the book with the release of my final CD of original songs, but - as always - time will be the determining factor.
My weekly schedule has changed slightly with my two radio programs now each Wednesday (country music from 12 to 2 p.m.) and Friday (requests and variety 12.30 to 2.30 p.m.). My co-presenter/panel operator is my support worker and good friend, Bobbie (Roberta) Exell and we seem to be developing a good rapport as a radio team, so tune us in some time. Our programs are heard around the world by logging into Phoenix 106.7 FM on your computer at www.phoenixfm.org and clicking on "Listen to Phoenix FM". If you have trouble, email me at coljames@bigpond.com.au
I have dropped out of darts for this season and will re-consider starting up at the end of next January... my team ended up in the preliminary final last June and I was awarded a Top 10 Certificate in my division for coming 2nd.
One area which my readers (you!) may be able to help me with is my search for some part-time income. Over the past month or so I have been searching through the numerous internet marketers and, as a result, have become terribly confused by their respective spiels and offers. Does anyone out there know one I can trust? I need to find some way of earning a few dollars before I can self-publish my book (unless you know of a friendly publisher). The other alternative is to publish on the web (on a 'pay per chapter' basis) or approach Amazon to consider putting it on their Kindle program. Any suggestions would be gratefully received, I assure you.
With that thought, I now leave you... but (as the man said) "I'll be back".
Cheers from Colin
G'day Mate, looking forward to your autobiog. Still working on mine and I hope to self publish it but have no clues on how or who does it, so let me know if you have success?
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