Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Return of Fire in My Belly!

I'm revving again! This morning I awoke with the feeling of fire in my belly like I have not experienced for a long, long, time. This has come about through an idea that raced through my mind last night... to write, publish, produce, direct (all or some of...) a semi-autobiographical movie depicting the loneliness and frustrations of an Australian singer/songwriter in a wheelchair as he travels around the country on what he intends to make his final tour.

Now to find a suitable (or interested) scriptwriter who can advise me where to go - or take - my storyline for possible development. I will first approach my brother Geoff who is extremely talented at putting words together and who, hopefully, has a little more spare time at his disposal. If he can't help me, perhaps someone reading this can put forward a suggestion for me to follow.

Biggest problem now is to keep this fire raging long enough to follow it through to completion.

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