Monday, July 28, 2008

A housewetting and moody motherboard

The day of my planned housewarming (on July 20) dawned bleak and showery... as it continued throughout the day. This, however, did not deter 22 resolute and faithful friends from turning up, armed with enough food and refreshments to quell the appetites of three times that many!

22, as it turned out, was just a nice number of buddies to enjoy the indoor activity which included barbecued meat cooked outdoors under shelter and lots of reminiscing, not to mention the singalong lead by my brother/guitarist, Geoff James, together with my old singing partner, Olive Bice.

Just two days earlier my computer spat the dummy for no apparent reason and refused to function. Even my learned brother, who is somewhat of a computer guru, could do nothing more than tell me my 'motherboard was stuffed' and it could cost upwards of $1000 to replace it. As it turned out he was spot on, except it cost $937! I now possess a nice new shiny black motherboard and a few less programs... which I hope to have restored as soon as possible.

It has been said that "to make money, you have to spend money', so, in an attempt to pay off my computer expenses, I have launched into becoming a buyer/seller of online jewellery. I bought three items at low cost on eBay, before discovering, which is an authentic online jewellery auction site. My new pastime sitting, eyes glued to the monitor screen and my blood pressure going up as my bank balance goes down, has cost me on the region of $400 so far.

I am now the proud but confused owner of one pearl necklace and seven diamond rings of various shades and sizes... proud of my ability to outbid several other would-be jewel collectors and confused as to what to do with my haul! Will I try to flog it to other buyers of jewellery throughout the country or sell it on eBay? Will I make a profit or end up chasing my losses? Or will I end up learning yet another lesson and give it all away as Christmas presents? Watch this space for the answers to these and many other intriguing questions!

In an earlier Blog, I referred to my problems with ambulance transport and my team of support workers. The ambulance situation remains unresolved, but I DO have a new support worker by name of Samantha, who is working out quite well despite her comparitive youth (she is 29) and inexperience.

Dialysis treatment of yesterday was a yucky experience as, following a hearty morning tea at the hospital and a lunch of chicken sandwiches, I developed a nagging headache which preceeded a "technicolour yawn of great proportions" and an early taxi ride back home.

Meanwhile, I am firmly entrenched as captain of the Captain Cook Darts Team. I still 'blow' my darts from a blowpipe instead of throwing them in the normal manner. Our team has two reasonably strong players (Bernie and me) and four inexperienced, inconsistent, but improving players (Jackie, Angela, David and Cook). We have won three of the first four weeks to date by the narrowest of margins, but have not yet played the two strongest teams. My personal tally sees me undefeated at this stage, but - luckily - I have not faced very strong opposition in my games.

This suits me as I am fairly tired after having dialysis treatment earlier that day (we play each Thursday) and I usually play the last game of the night... which could end up as late as midnight!

My life may not be all that wonderful at times, but it's never dull!

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