Friday, May 18, 2007

De Blues Are Knockin' at My Door!

Not a good week! Got my divorce papers in the mail and an email from my best friend telling me she doesn't want me to contact her any more (she is going through severe depression and wants to cut her ties with everyone - including me), so I'm left feeling more alone than ever!! I'm NOT looking for sympathy - or pity - because there are many much worse off than I'll ever be, but it does leave me feeling very isolated.

I'm now trying to sort out whether I should leave this area and try to start out afresh somewhere entirely different - which will not be easy at my time of life. At least I've got my Blog to talk to... and my somewhat dented sense of humour.

Just going to try to keep myself busier than normal... maybe write me a coupla real bluuuuuues songs! If you want to talk to me, please do... I need a little company right now.

1 comment:

Janet said...

I'm so very sorry to hear your news... two endings in one week is more than anyone needs!

Yet still you are the 'battler'... yes, turn those feelings into music - let's face it, there is no better emotion to fuel a great 'blues' piece!!