Sunday, March 18, 2007

Saturday, March 17, 2007.
I have just made the decision (a big one for me) of taking most of my money out of an investment account (which brought in a little over 5% interest per year) and sinking it into Star Trader ( which advises its members of the best stocks to buy/sell on the Australian Stock Exchange. Only time will tell if I'm being foolish or not - oh well, I like living life a little on the dangerous side.

Meanwhile, one of my carers has agreed to being my travel companion on a trip to Honolulu between June 29 and July 13. We will be travelling by JetStar and have left our accommodation and sightseeing arrangements in the hands of a Hawaiian disability travel agent.

This will be my fifth visit to Honolulu, having gone there on three occasions - as a honeymoon! It's such a beautiful spot and obviously holds many happy memories for me.


Geoff James said...

A fascinating story! All the best for your website!

Anonymous said...

How well I remember the first time in Hawaii Col. Good grief, that was how many years ago???